Men’s Ministries

Ministry or Fellowship?
One of the most important segments of Men’s Ministries is Pastor’s Prayer Partners: Men getting together with their pastor to lift him up in prayer. Sunday morning, an hour or so prior to service, is a great time for this ministry. Friendship Evangelism is an outreach program that trains men how to lead an individual to Christ. Disaster relief and Men of Action go hand in had, helping others in time of crisis. Supply people with basic needs in an emergency situation; then share Christ and His love with them.
The Royal Rangers mission statement is “reach, teach, and keep boys for Christ.” A recent survey by the Barna Research Group says the probability of accepting Christ is as follows: ages 5 to 13, 32%; ages 14 to 18, 4%; ages 19 to death, 6%. Men, we must grow this program. If we don’t, there will be no church for our grandchildren. Intentionally Making Disciples is a new ministry that calls for making not only converts, but also disciples for Christ. There are many more ministry opportunities not mentioned. Every church should have an active Men’s Ministries.
I challenge every pastor, for you the key to Men’s Ministries in the local church, and I challenge every able-bodied man in the IPHC to be a minister in Men’s Ministries.
If you would like additional information regarding Men’s Ministries including events, available resources and ministry programs, please visit our Men’s Ministries main page on the International Pentecostal Holiness Church web site.
Pastor Danny Harris
NCIPHC Men’s Ministries Director
For more information about DRUSA please contact:
Harvey Owens
3898 Falling Creek Rd.
Lagrange, NC 28551
Phone: (252) 361-5271
Find out more about Disaster Relief USA
The mission of Disaster Relief USA (DRUSA) is to organize volunteer ministry teams to model the compassion of Jesus Christ by providing mass care to individuals and families devastated during times of disaster.
As men and women of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, we are scripturally and morally bound to provide a positive witness of the love of Jesus Christ to all mankind. One way the Lord calls us to demonstrate His love, is in the compassionate relief of disaster victims through efficient and prompt deployment of resources, time and talent. A coordinated and cooperative team effort can harness and focus the desires and energy of individuals into a productive, tailored and effective force for the Lord. Through planning and training Disaster Recovery Teams and auxiliary support teams can provide leadership, expertise and ministry in times of disaster.